Please read the program requirements below prior to submitting a request.

Westhaven Trails Home Owners Associations will provide one motion detecting exterior light set per property owner / member.  Multi-family property owners may request additional light sets up to a maximum of four light sets per owner based property type.  For example, duplexes may receive two whereas four-unit building may receive four.

Upon request, basic installation assistance is available at no cost to the property owner.  No cost installation of up to one light set per single-family properties or up to four light sights for multi-family properties.

Please note requirements: (1) The Westhaven Trails Home Owners Association assumes no liability for any damages or loss of any kind that might arise from the use or installation of the provided light fixture.  The Westhaven Trails Home Owners Association further assumes no liability for improper workmanships or incorrect use of materials used in such installation.  By requesting “no cost” installation using the request from below, property owner agrees and understands that this service is provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and subject to the terms and conditions stated in the disclaimer.  (2) To qualify for this program, residents must be current on all Westhaven Trails Association assessments and fees.  (3) Please take time to read the Madison Municipal Exterior Lighting Ordinance prior to installing lights.

Quantities are limited so please complete the form below to request a security light set for your unit today!